New Roadmap MBA service Mentor – BETA

News Other

4 February 2023

Author: Steve Pugh

Try our new Roadmap MBA service ‘Mentor’ – BETA


Would you like to try the BETA of our new service?

Millions of people around the world want to learn grow and develop, but don’t know where to start. Depending on your personal circumstances the actions and approach to grow your business (or career) should change.

Our new Roadmap MBA service Mentor

If you’re a business owner making a tonne of money per month and wanting to accelerate, your approach should be different than if you only have a 3-6 month runway before you run out of cash. This is why Management Consultants get paid so much money to advise on the best approach for lots of different circumstance. The same is true for career coaches.

Almost every business course in the world has a fixed curriculum which starts at page one and ends at when you’ve finished. Often there is no tailoring for individual circumstances, which is a fatal flaw of most modern education – especially online courses.

They also don’t allow the user to jump to the parts they need most first, or provide guidance or monitorship, because this simply isn’t possible at scale. Plus career coaches / mentors / Management Consultants are expensive.

Just because nobody has ever cracked this before, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. This is an early BETA of something we’re developing and want to integrate into the Roadmap MBA.

Give us feedback

We would welcome any feedback. Send us a DM or email on thoughts and opinions.

Seriously we’d love to know.

If you believe there is potential we will spent more time developing the level of detail and complexity, accounting for more scenarios. This is just an early proof of concept.

Let us know what you think!

We are the startup bringing FREE business education and training to the world. Our mission is making business education accessible for 5 billion people.


Roadmap MBA. FREE business education.


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We are the startup bringing FREE business education and training to the world. Our mission is making business education accessible for 5 billion people.

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